I Got Laid Off. Then I Got An Idea.

Just before Thanksgiving, I was laid off.

It took me a minute to process. You’re never really prepared for that kind of news, or the uncertainty and overwhelm that comes with it.

The scariest part for me was telling people (I haven’t run out of cash yet). I was terrified of how I might be perceived, especially in the middle of a job search, where I’m very much trying to put my best foot forward.

It took me a few weeks and a little too much Brené Brown, but I bit the bullet and posted a status announcing my job search on Linkedin. The response has been overwhelming and wonderful in the best way. (Vulnerability, man. It sucks but it works.)

In just over 24 hours, over 7000 people have seen the post. More than 100 people have liked it. Dozens have reached out with opportunities and offers to help. I’m still working through the follow ups.

The best part: I learned I’m not alone. There have been several rounds of layoffs at Chicago tech companies in the past few weeks, and there are so many incredible people in the exact same position: job searching during the holidays.

I heard from former colleagues that I count as some of the best people I've ever worked with, and folks that just graduated from MBA or UX research programs, but I also have friends that are collecting paychecks they only kindof like, keeping an eye out for the next thing.

Job searching is never fun, and it’s all about who you know. Plus, misery loves company, so I have an idea (okay, two.)

I’m building something special.

Referred candidates are hired 55% faster than employees sourced through career sites, and save companies $3000 or more per hire, and I’m (already) sick of sending my gorgeous resume to career site black holes.

So I’m not going to do it anymore. And if I can, I’m going to build something special to help the people I love do the same. I’m calling it Chicago Superstars. (It’s a working title, I thought of this whole thing an hour ago. Speed > perfection etc etc etc.)

I’m building a spreadsheet.

In an effort to bring visibility to the impressive people in my network looking to make an impact with a phenomenal team in Chicago, I’m going crowdsourcing a list of Chicago's best talent actively on the hunt.

Want in? Yeah you do. Fill out this form to apply.

The caveat: If I don't know you personally, I'll ask for an endorsement / sponsorship from someone who does. Credibility comes first.

On Thursday, December 19, I’m going to launch this thing, and share it with my network. Ideally, everyone on the list will share too.

I’m building a community.

I started a slack channel to connect, share opportunities and lean on each other for advice, referrals, and feedback throughout this process and beyond.

I’ll start by inviting some of the people I trust the most in Chicago tech, and hand select a few particularly powerhouse people to help me build this thing.

Want in? Of course you do. Fill out this form to apply.

To be totally honest, I’m not sure what this will turn into yet, but with the people I’ve got in mind, I’m confident it’s going to be something special.

I’m so excited.